Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 17163:2019

Massa, papper och kartong - Bestämning av primära aromatiska aminer (PAA) i en vatten extrakt genom en LC/MS/MS metod

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 17163:2019

Massa, papper och kartong - Bestämning av primära aromatiska aminer (PAA) i en vatten extrakt genom en LC/MS/MS metod
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This document describes two representative methods for the determination of the extractable amount of specific primary aromatic amines (PAA) in a water extract of paper, board and pulp samples by means of HPLC with MS/MS detection which basically differ concerning the choice of the mobile and stationary phases. Deviating from this standard further methods may be applicable if it can be shown that comparable results can be achieved. A validation should be carried out by each laboratory.
It is applicable for the determination of the 22 primary aromatic amines (PAA) mentioned in the annex of Directive 2002/61/EC of 19th July 2002 amending Council Directive 76/769/EEC relating to restrictions on the market and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations (azocolourants) which are classified as carcinogenic categories 1A and 1B according to the CLP regulation and aniline.
The method described by this standard should be also applicable for the determination of further primary aromatic amines (PAA). A validation for every further analyte has to be done by the laboratory using this method.
The extractable amount of a primary aromatic amine (PAA) is expressed in mg PAA per litre water extract. This method is suitable for the determination of PAA with a working range of about 0,001 mg/l - 0,020 mg/l water extract.
Deviating from this standard further methods may be applicable if it can be shown that comparable results can be achieved. A validation should be carried out by each laboratory.


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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN 17163:2019

Massa, papper och kartong - Bestämning av primära aromatiska aminer (PAA) i en vatten extrakt genom en LC/MS/MS metod
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Kemiska analysmetoder, SIS/TK 157/AG 04

Internationell titel: Pulp, paper and board - Determination of primary aromatic amines (PAA) in a water extract by a LC-MS method

Artikelnummer: STD-80010115

Utgåva: 1

Fastställd: 2019-02-20

Antal sidor: 28