Plant biostimulants — Determination of Rhizobium spp.
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StandardSwedish standard
SS-EN 17718:2024
Plant biostimulants — Determination of Rhizobium spp.
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This document provides the methodology for the enumeration and determination of Rhizobiaceae (Rhizobium spp., Mesorhizobium spp., Ensifer spp., Bradyrhizobium spp.).
This document is applicable to the blends of fertilizing products where a blend is a mix of at least two of the following component EU fertilising products categories: Fertilizers, Liming Materials, Soil Improvers, Growing Media, Plant Biostimulants and where the following category Plant Biostimulants is the highest percentage in the blend by mass or volume, or in the case of liquid form by dry mass. If Plant Biostimulants is not the highest percentage in the blend, the European Standard for the highest percentage of the blend applies. In case a blend of fertilizing products is composed of components in equal quantity or in case the component EU fertilising products used for the blend have identical formulations , the user decides which standard to apply.
Plant biostimulants — Determination of Rhizobium spp.
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